Why Retire in Moldova?

If you are seeking a place to retire that is somewhat similar to mid-America, Moldova is it. Nestled between Romania and Ukraine down near the Black Sea, Moldova enjoys a climate of 4 distinct seasons with the side benefit of very low humidity in the Summer. Excellent air travel connections to most major European cities and train service connecting to all of Europe.
Cost of living that is about as low as you will find anywhere and a personal safety factor that is just not found anywhere else I have been.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Earthquakes

Three things you won't have to worry about in Moldova.  No hurricanes, and for some reason there are never Tornadoes in Eastern Europe.  Even thunderstorms are very rare and when they do happen they go away fast.   There have been two very small earthquakes since I have been here but they were simply the vibrations of larger quakes that happen often in the mountains of neighboring Romania.

For me the climate in Moldova is just perfect.  Four seasons and very low humidity. So low that most people will not need air conditioning in the summer even when the temp occasionally reaches 95F.

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