Why Retire in Moldova?

If you are seeking a place to retire that is somewhat similar to mid-America, Moldova is it. Nestled between Romania and Ukraine down near the Black Sea, Moldova enjoys a climate of 4 distinct seasons with the side benefit of very low humidity in the Summer. Excellent air travel connections to most major European cities and train service connecting to all of Europe.
Cost of living that is about as low as you will find anywhere and a personal safety factor that is just not found anywhere else I have been.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Personal Safety in Moldova

I have been a lot of places in the world and I do not know any city anywhere that I have ever been where I would feel perfectly safe walking alone at 2am.  Chisinau with a population of nearly 1 million is it.. the one and only.  Its not only Chisinau, I have been all over Moldova and I have not seen any place where I have ever felt in even the slightest uneasy about my personal safety.

Moldovans are simply not aggressive people.  The only time I have ever seen or heard of any person on person violence is either drunks that probably know each other or family disputes. I have walked at night by myself in areas of old soviet era apartments that externally look like the worst tenements you might see in South Chicago, down narrow alleys and through narrow pathways between building that are just wide enough to walk through. 

Chisinau has huge bazaars, so big you can get lost,  so when you go there unless you are alert and take precautions, you might fall victim to a pickpocket.  

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